Working in the cloud
RetSoft Archive offers you the opportunity to share folders in the cloud.
This service is offered free for a capacity of 50MB for 'Pro' or 'Business' users or 250 MB per licensee for 'Expert' or 'Business+' users. More storage is available for an annual fee here.
The cloud feature is designed so that you can decide by yourself which parts of the archive are (temporarily) shared in the cloud.
Useful if you need to access parts of the archive through the Internet. They can be retrieved using a web browser, tablet or smartphone (Apple and Android).
The cloud feature is only intended for viewing purposes (just like the Viewer of RetSoft Archive).
RetSoft Archive Business
Setting up the cloud
Setting up the cloud is done via the settings (button ) window in the tab 'Cloud'.
You can select up to a maximum of one archive from which you can share folders in the cloud. It will be listed under 'Archives in the cloud’ .
Use the 'Delete' button to remove the archive from the cloud so you can share folders from another archive in the cloud.
Assigning cloud users
You can set your email address which doubles as your login username in the same screen where you set your archive.
Upon setting your email address you will recieve an email with more information on how to access the cloud.
You can add more than one user with access to your cloud, this can be useful to share files.
Putting folders in the cloud
Select the folder you want to share in the cloud using the right mouse button. Then select the menu option 'Upload to cloud'.
Note: This functionality only works on the main folders in the archive.
After synchronization is done, the selected folder will be available in the cloud, including all the subfolders.
The color of the folders (and sub folders) which are shared into the cloud changes to blue and the folders get a cloud indication.
Logging in
The user now receives in his own email box (via the email address) an email with a password to login to the cloud through
The user has direct access to all folders which are shared into the cloud.
RetSoft Archive Business+ and RetSoft DMS Business
Setting up the cloud
To enable the cloud you use 'RetSoft Admin' and navigate to the tab 'Cloud'.
You can enable cloud access from here, for more information refer here.
Assigning cloud users
You can assign cloud users through 'RetSoft Admin'.
Here you can set which users gain access to the cloud, they will use their email adress for this.
Once you allow a user to use the cloud they will recieve an email with more information on how to access the cloud.
Putting folders in the cloud
If you have Administrator rights in RetSoft Archive, you can share folders into the cloud.
Select the folder you want to share in the cloud using the right mouse button. Then select the menu option 'Upload to cloud'.
Note: This functionality only works on the main folders in the archive.
After synchronization is done, the selected folder will be available in the cloud, including all the subfolders.
The color of the folders (and sub folders) which are shared into the cloud changes to blue and the folders get a cloud indication.
Logging in
Users who gain access to the cloud through 'RetSoft Admin' can login directly into the cloud with their own email address and password via
Users only have access to the folders they also can access in RetSoft Archive.
Removing folders from the cloud
Select the folder you want to remove from the cloud by clicking on it with the right mouse button. From the menu that appears, choose 'Remove from cloud'.
Is my data safely stored?
RetSoft uses the services from Amazon, one of the largest providers of cloud storage in the world.
Your data is sent encrypted to the servers of Amazon. We recommend that you always check whether the data you upload to the cloud contains privacy-sensitive information.
No matter how safe everything is stored and secured, you are always responsible for what you share in the cloud.